In demonstrating its ongoing commitment to supporting the work of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and within its remit as the Organization’s principal technical advisor, IACS will actively participate in the forthcoming 109th session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 109) which will meet from 2 to 6 December 2024.
Noting the work IACS Members undertake as recognized organizations of IMO Member States, verifying compliance of ships with IMO agreed requirements, and with a view to achieving clarity for all parties, IACS has submitted and co-sponsored the following documents:
MSC 109/3/3 comments on document MSC 109/3 (Secretariat) which contains draft amendments to paragraphs 11.3.2 and of the IGF Code and proposes modifications to improve the clarity and achieve uniform implementation;
MSC 109/4/2 comments on document MSC 109/4/1 (Secretary-General) containing the final audit report on the revision 2 of IACS Recommendation 34 “Standard Wave Data” (IACS Rec.34/Rev.2), which is intended to address IACS/2015/FR1-8/OB/02 and accepts all recommendations;
MSC 109/4/4 provides comments on the newly proposed table format used for the GBS Maintenance Audits in document MSC 108/INF.14;
MSC 109/4/6 comments on the final report of the GBS audit addressing observation No. IACS/2015/FR1-8/OB/02 presented in document MSC 109/4/1 (Secretary-General) and proposes reaffirmation of the criticality of adherence to the principles of good seamanship and the responsibility for proper operation and maintenance, as well as endorsing and encouraging the need for the continuous development of the structural requirements of organizations which are recognized by the Administration in accordance with the provisions of SOLAS regulation XI-1/1, or national standards of the Administration;
MSC 109/INF.6 provides the updated status of the work which is undertaken to address the IACS “common” observations as on 30 August 2024.
MSC 109/5/4 while providing a brief on general data quality and management aspects, brings out aspects specific to MASS and suggests a high-level approach towards data quality, which is essential for the safety of MASS;
MSC 109/6/1 provides additional information on some alternative fuels and proposes a generic format for representing the physical properties for each fuel;
MSC 109/7/1 discusses the importance of further cybersecurity measures for ships and port facilities following the Committee’s approval of the draft revised Guidelines on maritime cyber risk management (MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3/Rev.3) and proposes next steps to enhance maritime cybersecurity;
MSC 109/11/1 proposes revisions of the FSA Guidelines in response to the invitation by MSC 108 to submit concrete text proposals in order to improve the text of the Guidelines;
MSC 109/11/2 proposes editorial changes to the Revised FSA Guidelines (MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.12/Rev.2);
MSC 109/13/8 comments on the draft performance standards for pilot transfer arrangements contained in annex 9 of document NCSR 11/19/Add.1 and suggests modifications to the footnotes and clarifications regarding dedicated strong points in paragraphs 12 and 15.1;
MSC 109/14/1 provides comments on the draft amendments to the IGC Code contained in document CCC 10/WP.7 for approval by MSC 109 and subsequent adoption by MSC 110;
MSC 109/21/1 offers the views and initial considerations of IACS on the nature of unified interpretations, understanding of the meaning of safeguards and the degree of their application to different cases of interpretations, and recommends the development of guidelines to assist in the application of safeguards;
MSC 109/21/2 identifies different understandings amongst stakeholders on whether a duplicated MF/HF radio installation may be also accepted as a primary MF radio installation for sea area A3, based on COMSAR.1/Circ.32/Rev.2, and aims for a global and consistent implementation of GMDSS requirements.
Any enquiries on the above should be sent to Mr Konstantin Petrov, IACS Accredited Representative to IMO, at