IACS has submitted, or co-sponsored, six papers to this meeting on the following issues:
- comments on the report of the Correspondence Group on Carriage of more than 12 industrial personnel on board vessels engaged on international voyages. This paper discusses matters of principle regarding how a new SOLAS Chapter XV will fit within the existing IMO regulatory framework (SDC 5/7/4);
- a report providing the analysis of the International Code on the Enhanced Programme. of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers. and Oil Tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code), which has been carried out by IACS and the IMO Secretariat as tasked by SDC 4. The annex to this paper identifies instances where it is considered that editorial changes should be made to the Code in order to identify all the mandatory requirements and to improve the format of the tables and forms. This paper is co-sponsored by IACS and the IMO Secretariat (SDC 5/8/1);
- identification of recent updates to the series of IACS Unified Requirements (UR Z10) that IMO has agreed should be considered on a continuous basis with a view to making consequential amendments to the ESP Code (SDC 5/8/2);
- proposed amendments, shown in tacked changes, to the ESP Code, based on the discussions in documents SDC 5/8/1 and SDC 5/8/2 (SDC 5/INF.6);
- seeking clarification as to whether the liquid level monitoring systems for tanks containing liquids, which are not installed with a flooding detection system, need to meet the SOLAS Safe Return to Port requirements (SDC 5/9); and
- comments on the review/removal of footnotes in the existing text of the 2008 Intact Stability Code. The annex to this paper offers draft amendments to the Code based on the principles expounded in document SDC 5/14 that has been submitted by the IMO Secretariat (SDC 5/14/3);
IACS will also provide advice and comments to the Sub-Committee, both in plenary and the Working and Drafting Groups that it is expected will be established, on a number of other issues. In particular, IACS will contribute to the discussions on:
- computerized stability support for the master in case of flooding for existing passenger ships;
- review of SOLAS Chapter II-1, Parts B-2 to B-4, to ensure consistency with Parts B and B-1 with regard to watertight integrity. These discussions will take into account the experience that has been gained in using the ‘SOLAS 2009’ standard, which has shown that some of the requirements regarding watertight integrity in the revised SOLAS chapter II-1 do not capture the change in the philosophy introduced by the probabilistic approach to damage stability;
- development of second generation intact stability criteria; and
- the revision of SOLAS regulation II-1/3-8 and associated guidelines (MSC.1/Circ.1175) and new guidelines for safe mooring operations for all ships
Any enquiries on the above should be sent to Paul Sadler, IACS Accredited Representative to IMO, at permsec@iacs.org.uk