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Noting the work IACS Members undertake as Recognized Organizations of IMO Member States, verifying compliance of ships with IMO agreed requirements, and with a view to achieve clarity for all parties, IACS has submitted and co-sponsored the following papers under agenda item 3 (Consideration and adoption of amendments to mandatory instruments), agenda item 5 (Measures to improve domestic ferry safety) and agenda item 15 (Work programme):

MSC 104/3/1 analyses application requirements of the Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (“1988 Load Lines Protocol”) and the IGC Code. The co-sponsors propose a way forward to introduce clarity regarding application of draft amendments to those instruments pertaining to watertight doors on cargo ships.

MSC 104/5/4 elaborates on the concept of delegation of authority to a recognized organization and suggests other improvements to assist the Committee and the Working Group on Domestic Ferry Safety when developing the relevant articles of the model regulations on domestic ferry safety.

MSC 104/15 proposes a new output to revise paragraphs 6.5.1 and 6.5.5 of the 2009 MODU Code to clarify the application of requirements to electrical equipment located in spaces other than enclosed spaces which are capable of operation after shutdown (equipment that is required to remain operational in abnormal situations).  This proposal will lead to a greater consistency in the application of the Code.

MSC 104/15/1 proposes a new output to develop amendments to paragraph of chapter 15 of the FSS Code on enclosed spaces containing a nitrogen receiver or a buffer tank of nitrogen generator systems.

MSC 104/15/2 proposes a new output to review and update SOLAS regulation II-2/9 to address challenges and ambiguities when applying the current SOLAS regulation. Also, the proposal seeks to consolidate by incorporating into SOLAS a number of unified interpretation and guidelines that have been developed through the years to implement SOLAS regulation II-9 in a consistent and efficient manner.

MSC 104/15/8 proposes a new output to review SOLAS chapters II-1 (Part C) and V to address both traditional and non-traditional propulsion and steering systems. A regulatory framework for all types of steering systems, including propulsion/steering systems, will provide the basis for a consistent evaluation of such systems helping to achieve IMO’s safety objectives.

MSC 104/15/25 proposes a new output to take further steps for the introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) operations into IMO instruments.  The co-sponsors propose to develop a goal-based MASS instrument and associated non-mandatory instruments (i.e., guidelines for MASS operations).

MSC 104/INF.8 reports on the outcome of a GBS workshop, held on 19 July 2021, organized by the Secretariat and IACS in order to share views and information obtained during GBS verification audits and to close gaps of understanding between auditors and auditees with the aim of further improving and facilitating future audits.

IACS will also contribute to the discussions under agenda item 2 (Decisions of other IMO bodies), agenda item 6 (Goal-based new ship construction standards), agenda item 10 (Formal safety assessment), and agenda item 17 (Any other business).

Any enquiries on the above should be sent to Konstantin Petrov, IACS Accredited Representative to IMO, at