IACS has submitted or co-sponsored thirteen papers to this meeting on the following issues:
- SSE 4/12 – the latest version of a unified interpretation (IACS UI SC94) that is aimed at facilitating the global and consistent implementation of SOLAS regulation II-1/29 regarding the mechanical, hydraulic and electrical independency of steering gear control systems
- SSE 4/12/1 – two possible interpretations of the testing requirements for fire monitors with foam concentrate as required by SOLAS regulation II-2/10.8 and chapter 14 of the FSS Code. The Sub-Committee is invited to consider the two approaches presented in the paper and decide as appropriate, noting that, based upon the decision taken, IACS is willing to develop a draft unified interpretation for consideration at a subsequent session of the Sub-Committee
- SSE 4/12/2 – the latest version of a unified interpretation (IACS UI SC269) that is aimed at facilitating the global and consistent implementation of SOLAS regulation II-2/13.4.2 regarding the means of escape from the steering gear space in cargo ships
- SSE 4/12/3/Rev.1 – draft unified interpretations of certain aspects of the recently amended chapter 15 of the FSS Code related to inert gas systems on tankers
- SSE 4/12/4 – a draft unified interpretation on the minimum width of external escape routes on cargo ships, with a view to facilitating the safe and timely evacuation of crews, as well as resolving the differences of interpretations among the Administrations and port State control officers (PSCOs) on this matter
- SSE 4/12/5 – a draft unified interpretation on the fire integrity of the bulkheads between the wheelhouse and a navigation locker that can only be accessed from the wheelhouse, which is intended to facilitate the global and consistent application of SOLAS regulation II-2/9. This paper takes up the invitation extended to IACS at SSE 3 to develop such a text
- SSE 4/12/6 – a draft unified interpretation on the suitable means for the calibration of portable atmosphere testing instruments as required by SOLAS regulation II-2/ This text is based on MSC.1/Circ.1561, which was developed and approved in the context of SOLAS regulation XI-1/7
- SSE 4/12/7 – fundamental principles regarding the installation of manually operated call points in the context of SOLAS regulation II-2/7.7. This paper provides the Sub-Committee with the understanding of IACS on the issue, with a view to developing a unified interpretation on the matter, which focusses on cargo ships
- SSE 4/12/9 – a unified interpretation (IACS UI SC281) on the requirements for “off-load” release mechanisms fitted on rescue boat single fall launching appliances, which is aimed at facilitating the global and consistent implementation of the relevant provisions of the LSA Code and the Revised recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances (resolution MSC.81(70))
- SSE 4/12/10 – the latest version of a unified interpretation (IACS UI SC242) regarding the relevant provisions of SOLAS regulations II-1/28, 29 and 30 on the arrangements for steering capability and function on ships fitted with propulsion and steering systems other than traditional arrangements for a ship’s directional control
- SSE 4/12/12 – a request for clarification on the application of SOLAS regulation II-2/ and the Unified interpretation of SOLAS chapter II-2 on the number and arrangement of portable fire extinguishers on board ships (MSC.1/Circ.1275), regarding the arrangement of portable fire extinguishers in ro-ro spaces and vehicle spaces
- SSE 4/12/13 – a draft unified interpretation on the application of SOLAS regulation II-2/9 to the spaces in the cargo area of tankers, which takes up the invitation extended to IACS at SSE 3 to develop such a text
- SSE 4/18/1 – draft amendments to paragraph 21 of the annex to the Guidelines for evaluation and replacement of lifeboat release and retrieval systems (MSC.1/Circ.1392), with a view to including a method of assessment for backing plates and bolts to confirm that they are in “good condition”. This paper takes up the invitation extended to IACS to revise the text presented to SSE 3 so as to take account of the comments made at that meeting
IACS will also provide advice and comments to the Sub-Committee, both in plenary and the Working Groups that it is expected will be established, on a number of other issues. In particular, IACS will contribute to the discussions on:
- Safety objectives and functional requirements of the Guidelines on alternative design and arrangements for SOLAS chapters II-1 and III
- Making the provisions of MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev.1 mandatory
- Uniform implementation of paragraph of the LSA Code (rescue boat launching arrangements)
- Review the MODU Code, LSA Code and MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev.1 (in light of the investigations of the 2010 ‘Deepwater Horizon’ incident)
- Amendments to the FSS Code for CO2 pipelines in under-deck passageways
- Requirements for onboard lifting appliances and winches
- Amendments to the Guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning (DP) systems (MSC/Circ.645)
- Revised SOLAS regulations II-1/13 and II-1/13-1 and other related regulations for new ships (anti-crushing protection for watertight doors)
- Review SOLAS chapter II-2 and associated codes to minimize the incidence and consequences of fires on ro-ro spaces and special category spaces of new and existing ro-ro passenger ships
- Develop new requirements for ventilation of survival crafts
- Consequential work related to the new Polar Code
Any enquiries on the above should be sent to Paul Sadler, IACS Accredited Representative to IMO, at permsec@iacs.org.uk