Noting the work IACS Members undertake as Recognized Organizations of IMO Member States, verifying compliance of ships with IMO agreed requirements, and with a view to achieve clarity for all parties, IACS has submitted or co-sponsored the following papers:
MEPC 76/3/7 proposing modifications to the model form of the International Anti-fouling System Certificate (IAFSC), taking into account the draft amendments to AFS Convention approved at MEPC 75, as set out in document MEPC 76/3/3. The proposed modification provides clarity and a unified approach on completing the IAFSC in order to avoid incorrect interpretations.
MEPC 76/6/4 and INF.28 discusses the amendments to the 2015 Industry Guidelines for Calculation and Verification of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), and the role of the verifier in conducting the verification of EEDI.
MEPC 76/6/9 proposes amendments to the revised 2018 Guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships, to add a CF conversion factor between fuel consumption and CO2 emissions to be applied for ethane fuel.
MEPC 76/7/37 comments on the report of the Correspondence Group on the Development of Technical Guidelines on Carbon Intensity Reduction (TOR 3 and TOR 4), with particular reference to SEEMP verification and plans for corrective actions.
MEPC 76/7/47 proposes modifications to the draft guidelines on survey and certification of the attained EEXI, as set out in annex 2 to the report of the Correspondence Group on the Development of Technical Guidelines on Carbon Intensity Reduction (TOR 1) in document MEPC 76/7/4, and comments on the report of the Correspondence Group on the Development of Technical Guidelines on Carbon Intensity Reduction (TOR 2) in document MEPC 76/7/5.
IACS will also contribute to the discussions under agenda item 3 (Amendments to Mandatory Instruments), agenda item 6 (Energy Efficiency of ships), agenda item 7 (reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships) and agenda item 9 (Pollution Prevention and Response). It should be noted that paper MEPC 76/6/9 above is planned to be deferred to MEPC 77.
Any enquiries on the above should be sent to Konstantin Petrov, IACS Accredited Representative to IMO, at