In demonstrating its ongoing commitment to supporting the work of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and within its remit as the Organization’s principal technical advisor, IACS will actively participate in the forthcoming 10th session of the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 10) which will meet at the IMO Headquarters in London from Monday, 22 to Friday, 26 January 2024.
Noting the work IACS Members undertake as Recognized Organizations of IMO Member States, verifying compliance of ships with the IMO agreed requirements, and with a view to achieve clarity for all parties, IACS has submitted the following papers:
SDC 10/3/2 comments on paper SDC 10/3 and offers proposals on the preliminary draft guidelines for emergency towing arrangements for ships other than tankers as described in paragraphs 10 to 13 of SDC 10/3/2.
SDC 10/6 proposes draft amendments to the 2011 ESP Code, as amended by resolution MSC.483(103), with a view to allowing the use of remote inspection techniques (RIT) for close-up surveys of existing bulk carriers and oil tankers. IACS proposes to include a definition of RIT and specific requirements.
SDC 10/8 presents IACS’ view on paper MSC 105/18/1 and offers comments on the proposed amendments intended to address both rudder-type and modern combined propulsion/steering systems.
SDC 10/9 proposes draft amendments to MSC.1/Circ.1331 on the Guidelines for the construction, installation, maintenance and inspection/survey of means of embarkation and disembarkation. The following sections are proposed to be amended: section 1 – Application, section 2 – Construction, section – Accommodation ladder, section Gangway, section 5.2.2 – Winch, section 5.3.3 – Tests.
SDC 10/10 proposes a draft unified interpretation relating to means of internal communication equipment required in an emergency to be supplied from the emergency source of power in passenger ships as required by SOLAS regulation II-1/, with a view to facilitating a consistent implementation.
SDC 10/10/1 proposes a draft interpretation of paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 of the Code on noise levels on board ships (resolution MSC.337(91)) to clarify against which standard the calibration of the sound level meter and its field calibrator shall be carried out.
SDC 10/10/2 proposes a revision of MSC.1/Circ.1572/Rev.1 regarding unified interpretations of the Performance standards for water level detectors on bulk carriers and single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers (resolution MSC.188(79)) consequential to the adoption of resolution MSC.188(79)/Rev.2.
SDC 10/10/3 proposes a unified interpretation of SOLAS chapter XV and the IP Code to clarify with which SOLAS safety certificates the IP Safety Certificate should be harmonized in terms of validity, survey dates and endorsements, with a view towards universal and uniform implementation.
SDC 10/10/4 proposes a revision of MSC.1/Circ.1511 on the Unified interpretations of SOLAS regulations II-2/9 and II-2/13 to clarify the term “safe position” used in connection with means of escape from machinery spaces.
SDC 10/10/5 proposes revisions to sections 1.4 and 1.5 of the annex to MSC.1/1572/Rev.1 in respect of the interpretation (including procedures and technical background) of SOLAS regulations II-1/3-6.2.3 and II-1/3-6.3.1 related to permanent means of access.
SDC 10/INF.8 provides information on the observed “near miss” safety incident with the permanent means of access, in support of the proposals in document SDC 10/10/5.
SDC 10/12/2 comments on the proposals in document SDC 10/12 (Germany et al.), in particular with regard to addressing the fire testing of the FRP structures and informs about the experience of IACS members leading to the conclusion on the need for improvement in the current testing regime for fire performance of composite structures.
SDC 10/14 proposes to transfer the output “Review of the 2009 Code on Alerts and Indicators” from the SSE Sub-Committee onto the provisional agenda of SDC 11.
IACS will also provide advice and comments to the Sub-Committee on a number of other issues, both in plenary and in the Working Groups that are expected to be established. IACS will contribute to the discussions also on agenda item 7 (Safety objectives and functional requirements of the Guidelines on alternative design and arrangements for SOLAS chapter II-1), agenda item 11 (Amendment to regulation 25 of the of the 1988 Load Line Protocol regarding the requirement for setting of guard rails on the deck structure), agenda item 13 (Revision of the Interim explanatory notes for the assessment of passenger ship systems’ capabilities after a fire or flooding casualty (MSC.1/Circ.1369) and related circulars), and agenda item 16 (Any other business).
Any enquiries on the above should be sent to Konstantin Petrov, IACS Accredited Representative to IMO, at