SSE 7/2/2 explains the general agreed practice of IACS members regarding the arrangements of cargo/vapour piping and related gas-freeing piping/ducts on tankers. This is offered with a view to facilitating the consistent and global implementation of the relevant provisions in SOLAS, the IBC Code and the IGC Code, and to support the Sub-Committee’s review of the potential safety issues identified in the fire incidents on board the oil/chemical tankers Liang Sheng, Royal Diamond 7 and Border Heather.
SSE 7/9/2 comments on the report of the Correspondence Group on Onboard Lifting Appliances and Anchor Handling Winches (OLAW) and contains proposals in respect of the Safe Working Load (SWL) and test load of existing lifting appliances, requirements for certification of lifting appliances, a standard form for documenting the record of testing and thorough examination, and definitions for the terms “maximum line pull”, “static bollard pull”, “brake holding force” and “brake holding capacity.
SSE 7/12 is co-sponsored with Marshall Islands, New Zealand and Industry partners and proposes amendments to paragraph of the LSA Code in order to ensure adequate safety standards for lifeboats and rescue boats fitted with single fall and hook systems with on-load release capability.
SSE 7/15/1 proposes amendments to SOLAS chapter III, the LSA Code and resolution MSC.81(70), as amended, on the application of the requirement to launch free-fall lifeboats with the ship making headway at speeds up to 5 knots in calm water.
SSE 7/16 seeks clarification of the requirements for the design of test specimens in accordance with the 2010 FTP Code, related to pipe and duct penetrations and cable transit contained in annex 1, part 3, appendix 2, sections A.III and A.IV of the Code, while presenting IACS understanding in relation to these requirements.
SSE 7/16/1 seeks clarification on the application of the requirements of SOLAS regulation II-2/ regarding the fire insulation of the sleeve of the duct that is situated between the fire damper and the division that the duct is penetrating.
SSE 7/16/4 seeks clarification regarding the extent of application of requirements regarding insulation of “A-0” class standard of bulkheads and decks separating adjacent spaces on an open ro-ro deck and an open deck, in the context of tables 9.5 and 9.6 of SOLAS regulation II-2/
SSE 7/16/7 proposes three draft unified interpretations of SOLAS regulations II-2/ (length of steel sleeve), II-2/ (fire integrity of ducts) and II-2/ (requirements for penetration of “B” class divisions), with a view to facilitating their consistent and global implementation.
SSE 7/16/8 seeks advice on the storage requirements for fire-fighter’s outfits in tankers, in accordance with SOLAS regulations II-2/, and 10.10.3.
SSE 7/20/5 proposes a corrigendum to the Revised guidelines for the design and approval of fixed water-based fire-fighting systems for ro-ro spaces and special category spaces (MSC.1/Circ.1430/Rev.1).
SSE 7/20/6 proposes minor amendments to footnotes in the SOLAS Convention and the LSA Code that are considered to be consequential to the adoption of Escape Route Signs and Equipment Location Markings (resolution A.1116(30)).
SSE 7/20/7 identifies several discrepancies between annex 2 to resolution MEPC.244(66) and SOLAS chapter II-2 with regard to the fire protection requirements for incinerator spaces and waste stowage spaces and proposes a course of action to remove those discrepancies.
MSC 98/20/4 proposes the development of draft amendments to chapter 9 of the FSS Code for fault isolation requirements of cabin balconies fitted with individually identifiable fire detector systems. This document was referred by SSE 6 to SSE 7 for further discussion. IACS expects this document to be discussed in a working /drafting group with a view to finalising the amendments.
IACS will also provide advice and comments to the Sub-Committee both in Plenary, and in the Working and Drafting Groups that will be established on a number of issues. In particular, IACS will contribute to the discussions on:
- Revision of SOLAS chapter III and the LSA Code (agenda item 5)
- Review SOLAS chapter II-2 and associated codes to minimize the incidence and consequences of fires on ro-ro spaces and special category spaces of new and existing ro-ro passenger ships (agenda Item 6)
- Amendments to the Guidelines for the approval of fixed dry chemical powder fire-extinguishing systems for the protection of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk (agenda item 7)
- Development of the guidelines for cold ironing of ships and consideration of amendments to SOLAS chapters II-1 and II-2 (agenda item 11)
- Revision of the Standardized life-saving appliance evaluation and test report forms (MSC/Circ.980 and addenda) (agenda item 13)
- Revision of the Guidelines for the maintenance and inspections of fixed carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems (agenda item 17)
Any enquiries on the above should be sent to Konstantin Petrov, IACS Accredited Representative to IMO, at