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The subjects were highly topical and included from IACS speakers, LNG as a fuel highlighting the importance of harmonious regulations and new IACS post Panamax Containership structural regulation. From the Commission services the speakers discussed the implementation of the Sulphur Directive and the forthcoming EU regulation for the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of ships’ CO2 emissions setting out the EU rules and future input for a global scheme.

Philippe Donche-Gay the IACS Chairman welcomed the audience with characteristic transparency stressing the need to engage with the Commission, while Christine Berg, the Head of Maritime safety at the European Commission, spoke eloquently on the vitality of the relationship and collaboration between IACS and the Commission.

It was a fitting start to the week at a well-attended session engaging representatives from the worldwide membership of IACS and from the EU institutions.

Contact: Derek Hodgson,
Permanent Secretary
(London) 020 7976 0660