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IACS’ high-level intervention at the IMO-Singapore Future of Shipping Conference last week once again demonstrated its commitment and ability to lead the industry through the challenges posed by digitalisation and decarbonisation and to deliver on its mission as a trusted partner of regulators with respect to the development of maritime regulations and to maintain classification as the primary mechanism for practical self-regulation of the maritime industry.

As the sole organisation representing the global classification industry, and as the IMO’s principal technical advisor with its own seat at IMO, the unparalleled strength and depth of the twelve-member Association in delivering on the key challenges facing the industry and its regulator is currently being emphasised in IACS work across such diverse issues as remote survey, complex systems and cyber safety as well as safety issues related to alternative fuels and novel technologies.

The new governance structure for IACS entering into force this year will further strengthen IACS’ ability to engage across multiple fronts simultaneously and to do so with the agility and speed necessitated by the pace and change of technology and regulatory demands.

Noting the plethora of initiatives that have emerged to meet various specific challenges – not least decarbonisation – the ability of IACS to both contribute to, and harmonise, these diverse work streams is unique as is its ability to give institutional effect to new ideas and practices.

IACS Chair, Koichi Fujiwara, said ‘IACS’ ability to be ahead and co-operate with regulators and industry on initiatives that can effectively promote maritime safety, protection of the environment and sustainability, provide practical real-world guidance to regulators and industry, and appropriately address maritime safety and environmental concerns is second to none.  I am proud to have overseen the necessary governance changes that will allow IACS to continue to fulfil this role into the foreseeable future.’

Incoming Chair, Nick Brown, stressed the key role of IACS, stating ‘The collective and individual knowledge and experience amongst the 12 IACS Members enables the timely development of institutional responses that reflect the changing demands of society and support innovation and new technologies; IACS’ Members are united in their commitment to working together to deliver on the practical implementation of safer, cleaner shipping.’


Contact: Robert Ashdown, IACS Secretary General
E: T: +44 (0) 20 7976 0660

International Association of Classification Societies
Permanent Secretariat 4 Matthew Parker Street, London, England SW1H 9NP


T: +44 (0)20 7976 0660

Notes to Editors:

  1. Dedicated to safe ships and clean seas, the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) makes a unique contribution to maritime safety and regulation through technical support, compliance verification and research and development. More than 90% of the world’s cargo carrying tonnage is covered by the classification design, construction and through-life compliance Rules and standards set by the twelve Member Societies of IACS. 
  1. More information on the work IACS has undertaken in response to the COVID19 pandemic can be found on our dedicated web-page 
  1. More information about IACS can be found by visiting and in our Annual Review available online at